Why Do I Hate Being Told What To Do?

Many people have an intrinsic aversion to being told what to do. This common feeling can stem from a variety of factors, both psychological and practical. Examining the potential roots of this attitude can provide insight into managing it effectively.

In the first 100 words of this article, the topic of hating being told what to do is introduced. Possible reasons for this feeling are explored, including desires for autonomy, rebellion against authority, and preferences for choice and flexibility. Though prevalent, this mindset can potentially be shifted with self-awareness, communication skills, and an understanding of what drives it.

The Desire for Autonomy

Humans have an innate need to feel in control over their lives and choices. When someone tells us what to do, it can feel like that autonomy is being undermined. This natural urge for self-direction fuels an aversion to being told what to do.

Even suggestions or advice can sometimes trigger this response. The feeling of losing independence can be enough to spur frustration or stubborn resistance. Understanding this instinctive need for autonomy provides context on why being told what to do elicits negative reactions.

Rebellion Against Authority

Being told what to do also represents an imposition of authority. This can naturally spark an impulse to rebel or resist. The teenage years are a prime example of this tendency. As adolescents individuate, they often feel a strong urge to assert their independence and autonomy by resisting parental commands.

But this inclination is not limited to teenagers. Even in adulthood, being told what to do by figures of authority can feel infantilizing. When someone imposes their will in this way, it can stimulate innate urges to resist and assert one’s self-determination. This can manifest in stubbornness, passive aggression, or outright defiance.

Preference for Flexibility and Choice

When someone tells us what to do, our options become limited. This flies in the face of a common human preference for flexibility and choice. Being forced down a specific path feels inherently restrictive.

Having the freedom to decide removes this feeling of confinement. It allows for adjustments and adaptations as needed. Being told exactly what to do removes this agency. Even if the command aligns with what we’d choose ourselves, simply being told can spark negative reactions. The flexibility to pivot is important for a sense of control.

why do i hate being told what to do by my parents
Photo: Pexels

Strategies for Managing

Here are some tips for managing an aversion to being told what to do:

– Examine the reasons behind the frustration. Is it loss of autonomy, rebellion, or preference for choice driving it? Self-awareness helps put the reaction in perspective.

– Communicate reasons for the instructions. Understanding their purpose and necessity can ease resistance. Collaborative two-way dialogue is essential.

– Reframe commands to suggestions or advice when possible. This leaves autonomy intact and can make direction feel less authoritarian.

– Consider which situations require strict obedience versus flexible cooperation. Pick battles worth fighting.

– Focus reactions on the situation rather than the person. Recognize they likely have valid intentions.

– Set aside ego and ask, “Is this guidance actually helpful for me?” Advice that aids goals and growth may warrant compliance.

With self-examination and conscious management, an aversion to being told what to do can be channeled into more constructive directions. The desire for autonomy and choice need not equate to outright rebelliousness.


Being told what to do can elicit intense negative reactions due to innate human drives for independence and self-direction. But with awareness, communication, and reframing of perspectives, this common attitude can be navigated skillfully rather than fueling unhelpful conflict and stubbornness. The freedom to choose remains powerful, but so does the wisdom to discern when external guidance serves growth and goals. With this balanced outlook, chafing at being told what to do evolves into embracing helpful input.

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